
26 Apr 2022-DBTI: Parent-Teacher-Meeting

Parent-Teacher-Meeting is generally held after the declaration of an examination result and it is one of the important activity of any school, college or institute. PTM is a wonderful opportunity for both the teachers and parents to work for the betterment of the child. PTM is held for valuation of an academic and non- academic performance of the student.

DBTI, Okhla had its PTM on 21st, 22nd and 23rd April 2022 and it was found to be an effective and useful way to interact with each other for the betterment of the students’ performance. The teachers had an opportunity to interact and discuss students’ problems and issues related study and other performances in general. A face to face communication of Parents and teachers plays a vital role in students’ learning process and both parents and teachers realized the same without any doubt.

During the PTM both parents and teachers shared their insights and helped to know the two sides of the students- strong and weak point. And I am sure it will result in the development of students’ holistic future as they continue with their training program. During the interaction it was clear that the focus was to make a difference in the students’ performance as it enables to bring new positive changes and attitudes.

Most of the students brought their parents for the PTM and the result was positive indeed. The parents were happy that they could sort out some of the issues pertaining to the studies and discipline of their sons and daughters. Those trainees whose parents stay far away (other states) could not come for PTM but they had online PTM and they expressed their satisfaction with the interaction.

The management of DBTI considers it important to have PTM as the role of both teachers and parents are mutually clear, specified and designed in such a way that it brings the best in the student’s performance.

Br. Tom C.J, Principal

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